Homemade batteries are a popular subject with my readers.
Making electricity from things you find around the house is a fun project.
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There are lots of easy ways to make homemade batteries. Basically, any two
different kinds of metal can be placed in a conducting solution and you get
a battery. Familiar homemade batteries include sticking copper and zinc strips
into a lemon or a potato to make a battery.
One quick battery is made from a soda can, the soda from the can, and some copper.
The photo above shows a battery made by placing a strip of copper and a strip of
aluminum into a glass of Coca-Cola (I used the sugar-free cherry flavored variety
because that's what I found in the refrigerator).
You can make the aluminum strip by cutting open the can. You will need some sandpaper
to sand off the paint and plastic coating from the aluminum before using it. Or you
can get strips of aluminum already free of coatings from a hardware store,
You can get copper flashing from a hardware store and cut out a strip of it, or you can
use a bunch of copper wire (the more surface area exposed to the liquid, the more
electrical current is produced). Or, as before,
The aluminum-copper-coke battery will produce about three quarters of a volt.
Using a zinc strip instead of the aluminum produces a little over a volt in
the copper-zinc-coke battery. That zinc should work better than aluminum
in a battery is a little surprising, since aluminum is normally more reactive
than zinc, but in this cell I suspect the aluminum has an oxide coating that
is interfering with the reaction. I have not seen a thorough scientific
study of a Coca-Cola copper aluminum battery, and it may be a while before I do.
You can get zinc strips from our
Another easy battery to make at home is the zinc-air battery.
In this battery, the strip of zinc is oxidized by dissolved oxygen in salt
water. We used a level tablespoon of salt in a cup of water.
The "batteries" we have shown here are more correctly called "cells".
An actual battery is made up of two or more cells.
The zinc-air cell produces about three quarters of a volt. To get higher
voltages, which are needed to run things like light emiting diodes (LEDs)
or calculators or watches, we connect two or more cells in series to make
a battery.
Two zinc-air cells in series produce about a volt and a half.
In the photo above, you can see that this is enough to make a red LED light up.
To make it brighter, you can add more cells.
If the LED in your project doesn't light up, try reversing the leads. The diode
is a device that only works in one direction. The leads on the diode usually
have one lead longer than the other, to make it easy to see which way it is connected.
With my diode, the long lead was the one to connect to the copper electrode.
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Another way to make the cell produce a higher voltage is to change the
chemistry. The zinc-air cell produces more voltage in the photo above
because we added some hydrogen peroxide to the salt water. You can also
add chlorine bleach, but hydrogen peroxide is safer and has no odor.
If you don't have a strip of zinc, you can make an aluminum-air battery, as
shown in the photo above. It produces a little more than half a volt, so you
will need three cells in series to light the LED.
Also See:
A different chemistry is involved in the copper-zinc-vinegar battery,
shown in the photo above. In this battery, the zinc is oxidized by
copper ions from the copper strip. In this battery, the copper gradually
migrates into the vinegar, and then replaces the zinc at the zinc
After lighting the LED all night long, you can see a black coating of
copper and copper oxide sludge has formed on the zinc.
Even though the battery has been lighting the LED all night, it still
has a lot of zinc left to keep it lit for several days.
Three of the copper-zinc-coke batteries produce about 3 volts, and can replace
the 3 volt lithium battery in this small clock/calendar/calculator. It has been
running for days now, and can probably last months. The calculator works, and
the alarm chimes play just fine.
How does it do that?
Metal atoms are held together by electrical attractions between the nuclei and the
electrons around the atoms.
When you place a strip of metal in a glass of water, the water molecules interact
with the metal atoms on the surface of the strip. Water molecules are polar,
meaning the one side is slightly positive, and the other side is slightly negative.
This is because the two hydrogen atoms are not on opposite sides of the oxygen atom,
but are instead about 105° apart. The hydrogen side is positive, and the oxygen
side is negative.
At the interface between the water and the metal, some of the metal nuclei are
attracted to the negative side of the water molecules. This attraction makes it easier
for a metal nucleus to leave one or more of its electrons behind in the metal strip,
and migrate away from the strip into the water.
The strip is left with a very small negative electric charge, because it now has
one less positive nucleus in it. This tiny charge does not pull very much on the
metal ion that has left the strip. In fact, that ion (a metal atom with
one or more electrons missing) is quickly surrounded by water molecules, whose
negative side is attracted to the positive metal ion. This blanket of water
molecules spreads out the positive charge over a larger area, making it even less
attracted to the metal strip.
This is a very temporary effect, and the metal ion usually gets attracted back to
the strip very quickly. But since there are enormous numbers of atoms at the surface
of the metal strip, and an enormous number of metal ions are in the water at any given
time, the metal strip ends up with quite a few more electrons than metal nuclei. This
gives the strip a slight negative charge.
Some metals hold on to their atoms more tightly than others. This is why different
metals have different boiling points (and to a lesser extent, it explains why they
have different melting points, although melting is more complicated, and other effects
come into play).
This means that some metal strips will become more negative when placed in water than
others do.
If one metal strip has more extra electrons than another one does, those electrons
will flow from the first strip to the second, until they both have the same charge.
But to flow, the electrons need a conductive path. We give them that path when we
connect two strips of different metals with a wire. The electrons then flow through
that wire, creating an electric current.
Copper, zinc, and acid
In the case of the copper and zinc strips, the copper holds onto its atoms more strongly
than the zinc does. The zinc strip is therefore more negative than the copper strip, and
the electrons flow from the zinc to the copper.
When the forces are eventually balanced, the copper strip ends up with more electrons
than the zinc strip. The zinc strip now has fewer electrons, and it cannot attract
the zinc ions back to the strip.
If our battery just had water in it, not much more would happen. But our Coca-Cola
battery has water plus phosphoric acid. Our vinegar battery has water plus
acetic acid. An acid is something that has an easily detached hydrogen ion.
Hydrogen ions are positive, and the remaining part of the acid becomes negative
when it loses the hydrogen ion. In our two batteries, the remaining parts are the
phosphate ion and the acetate ion, respectively.
So what happens when all of those positively charged zinc ions bump into those
negatively charged phosphate ions? They phosphate ion is more strongly attracted
to the zinc ion than to the hydrogen ion. The positively charged hydrogen ion is
attracted to the copper strip, because the copper strip has the extra electrons, and is thus
negative (opposite charges attract).
The hydrogen ions attract the electrons from the copper, and become neutral hydrogen
atoms. These join up in pairs to become hydrogen molecules, and form bubbles on the
copper strip. Eventually the bubbles become big enough to float up to the surface
and leave the system entirely.
Now the copper strip no longer has the extra electrons. It attracts more from the
zinc strip through the connecting wire, as it did when we first connected the wire.
The copper ions next to the copper strip are not as attracted to the strip as they were before.
The hydrogen ions keep taking the electrons that attracted the copper ions. So those
ions are free to move through the liquid.
At the zinc strip, zinc ions are being removed, leaving extra electrons. Some of those
electrons travel through the wire to the copper strip. But some of them encounter
the copper ions that happen to bump into the zinc strip. Those ions grab the electrons,
and become copper atoms. We can see those atoms build up on the zinc strip. They
look like a black film, because the oxygen in the water combines with the copper to
form black copper oxide.
Eventually, all of the zinc is eaten up, and the copper and copper oxide falls into
a pile beneath where the zinc strip used to be. The battery is now dead, and no more
electrons flow through the wire. If there was not a lot of acid in the water, it may
be the first thing to be used up, and the battery may die while there is still some
zinc left on the zinc strip.
Copper, zinc, and salt
A different chemistry happens when we have salt instead of acid in the water.
Salt breaks up in water to make positive sodium ions and negative chloride ions.
These ions reduce the energy needed for water to split into hydroxide ions (OH-) and
hydrogen ions H+ (the hydrogen ions quickly find another water molecule and create
hydronium ions, H3O+).
At the zinc strip, the zinc ion combines with four hydroxide ions to form one ion
of zincate (Zn(OH)42-), leaving two electrons behind on the zinc
strip. The chlorine ions from the salt then combine with the hydronium ions left
over when the hydroxide ions were taken away by the zinc, and form hydrochloric acid.
Over on the copper strip, four electrons combine with oxygen dissolved in the water
and two molecules of water to form four hydroxide ions. The sodium ions from the salt
combine with these hydroxide ions to make sodium hydroxide.
The hydrochloric acid and the sodium hydroxide combine back into salt. So the salt
is merely in the picture as a way to move charges through the water. It is not used up.
We can summarize what happens at the zinc strip (called the anode this way:
Zn + 4OH- | ⇒ | Zn(OH)42- + 2e- |
4Cl- + 4H2O | ⇒ | 4HCl + 4OH- |
Zn(OH)42- | ⇒ | ZnO + H2O + 2OH- |
At the copper strip (called the cathode) we have:
O2 + 2H2O + 4e- | ⇒ | 4OH-. |
4Na+ + 4OH- | ⇒ | 4NaOH |
Now we can see why it is called a zinc-air battery. The oxygen from the air is
combining with the zinc. The copper electrode is just there to conduct the electrons,
and does not participate in the chemistry. It can be replaced with a carbon rod.
You may notice that after a short while, the oxygen in the battery is used up, and the
current (and thus the brightness of the LED) begins to drop. Stirring the salt water
helps to put more oxygen in the water, and the LED gets bright again.
Copper, aluminum, and salt
The aluminum air battery is very similar to the zinc air battery.
At the zinc anode:
Al + 3OH- | ⇒ | Al(OH)3 + 3e- |
At the copper cathode:
O2 + 2H2O + 4e- | ⇒ | 4OH-. |
As before, the sodium and chloride ions help to move the charges.
In the aluminum air battery with salt water, the voltage is not as high as it
could be. Using potassium hydroxide instead of salt water brings the voltage
up to 1.2 volts per cell by reducing the effects of the oxide layer.
Also See:
Also See:
How to Make a power Boat At Home with House
How to Make a Simple Amplifier at home
Tag: make a battery,make a battery at home, make a battery easy, makin a battery at home,battery at home
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