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How to Make a Rainbow with household items.

Click on photo for larger picture You have probably seen the beautiful rainbow colors caused by a tiny bit of oil floating in a puddle of water. In this project, we are going to capture those colorful patterns on paper, in a permanent form, so you can view them anytime you like, without a messy puddle. What we will need:
  1. A piece of paper. Black construction paper works well, but so does the slick coated glossy photographic paper used in ink jet printers.
  2. A cake pan or similar container that can hold water, and that is big enough to hold the piece of paper flat in the bottom. You can cut the paper to size if you don't have a pan big enough.
  3. Some clear fingernail polish.
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  4. An eye dropper that you can dedicate to this purpose, since it will not be good for much else when we are done. A disposable plastic pipette is ideal.

Place the paper in the bottom of the pan.

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Fill the pan with water to cover the paper with at least a half of an inch of water.

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Put the eyedropper into the nail polish bottle, and squeeze just a little air out of it, to get just a half of an inch or so of nail polish into the eyedropper. We only need a single drop.

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Drop a single drop of nail polish onto the surface of the water.

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The nail polish drop will quickly expand to make a circle of film on the water. This film will be so thin, that it will only be as thick as one wavelength of light.

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Let the circle of nail polish film dry for a few minutes. The edges will generally wrinkle a bit, and the center will take longer to dry than the edges.

Gently lift one end of the paper out of the water, making sure you catch the edge of the thin circle onto the paper.

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Let the water drip off the paper into the pan for a little while, and then set the paper (with the circle of film clinging to the middle of it) onto some newspaper to dry.

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To view the colors, hold the paper flat towards the light, and view it at a low angle.

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If you use more than one drop, you might get double patterns.

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The glossy photo paper leaves a nice smooth surface with many rings of color.

Make a parmanent Rainbow with household items,make a rainbow,how to make a parmanenet rainbow,making a rainbow,rainbow making at home. Click on photo for larger picture

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Tags:Make a parmanent Rainbow with household items,make a rainbow,how to make a parmanenet rainbow,making a rainbow,rainbow making at home. 

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