How to recover deleted text messages on your Android phone
Most of the time, you're probably pretty good
at using your smartphone but occasionally, you slip up and a terrible
thing happens: you tap one wrong button and accidentally delete text
messages from your phone! Whether you delete one or all of them, it's
pretty annoying, but thankfully they can be retrieved with the right
software - providing that this portion of the memory on your phone has
not been overwritten by an app update, file download or otherwise. So
don’t panic, stay calm, grab your phone and read our article on how to
find those deleted text messages on your Android smartphone.
Recover deleted SMS with MobiKin Doctor for Android
There are several programs that you can use to retrieve lost or deleted text messages, or anything on your phone for that matter. We tried out the software provided by MobiKin, that being MobiKin Doctor for Android, which will quickly and effectively recover all of your text messages. We'll walk you through the process with the software below, but you can directly go to the website if you want to see the company’s step-by-step guide.- Firstly, download MobiKin Doctor for Android: Windows version or Mac version
- You can also check MobiKin's step-by-step guide
Which phones are compatible with MobiKin?
You can use the program without rooting your phone, though MobiKin guarantees you'll be able to retrieve the full extent of your content if you do. To find out how to root your phone, you can follow the MobiKin method here. Please ensure that you also read our complete guide to rooting.Another important feature to a text message recovery software is compatibility of the device you're using, and MobiKin Doctor for Android supports over 2000 Android device models. This innovative program can be used to recover deleted text messages on HTC, Samsung, Motorola, LG, Sony, Asus and many other brands. Check their list of supported Android devices to ensure your phone is compatible (under the Tech Specs tab). The list is extensive, so chances are your smartphone is compatible. We used a Galaxy S6 in the AndroidPIT office, and it worked flawlessly and quickly.
How to recover deleted text messages using MobiKin Doctor for Android
After installing the program on my Windows PC and connecting the device, I was prompted to allow MobiKin access to my phone in seconds. The preview of my text messages on the MobiKin main screen took just 17 seconds, and finally recovering the data and backing it up onto my PC was instantaneous. The screenshots below illustrate how the software worksStep 1: Once you plug in your phone, this screen will automatically start. It will detect your device, connect and let you know when the process is ready to go. You can also see from the start screen that MobiKin can be used for Android SD Card Recovery and as a Super Toolkit.

Make sure you never lose text messages again
Maybe you've learned your lesson, maybe you haven't. If you want to avoid the panic of losing your messages, the best thing to do is to back up your text messages regularly. The good news is, doing so only takes five minutes.I use a free app called SMS Backup & Restore. It's straightforward, looks nice and works perfectly: all you need for this type of operation. Check out the screenshots below for the walk-through.
SMS Backup & Restore

3. Make your selection from the list that appears and then tap OK.

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